Monday, May 16, 2011

War crimes prosecutor calls for arrest of Gaddafi

ICC prosecutor Luis Mareno Ocampo believes he has a strong case for the arrest of Gaddafi, one of his sons and his intelligence chief

PETER CAVE: The chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court is calling for the arrest of Moamar Gaddafi, his son and his brother-in-law. The three are wanted on charges of crimes against humanity.

Saif al Islam was long considered the future face of Libya but the ICC says it now has firm evidence that Colonel Gaddafi's second son was closely involved in the mass killing of civilians.

Europe correspondent, Emma Alberici.

EMMA ALBERICI: The International Criminal Court in The Hague claims that members of the Libyan regime have secretly handed over evidence that proves without doubt that Colonel Gaddafi has been systematically killing his own people with the close assistance of his second son and his brother-in-law, who acts as his intelligence chief.

Luis Moreno Ocampo is the ICC's chief prosecutor

LUIS MORENO OCAMPO: Shot demonstrators with live ammunitions, use of heavy weaponry against participants in funeral processions and placed snipers to kill those leaving mosques after the prayers. The crimes are crimes against humanity.

EMMA ALBERICI: But the history of the world's first permanent tribunal to prosecute war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide doesn't augur well for the prosecutor's efforts.

It was created in 2002 in response to the genocide in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, but its credibility has long suffered from the refusal of some of the world's most powerful countries to recognise its jurisdiction.

The US, Russia, China, India and all Middle Eastern countries, and Libya, are among those who have not signed the ICC treaty which has been ratified by 114 of the 193 recognised states.

The Libyan government issued a statement, claiming that the ICC was merely a baby of the EU that only targets African leaders.

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