Scientists are now very sure to add online gaming method as a part of their research and problem solving methods…A great risky problem,i.e. an AIDS virus puzzle was been solved by the gamers in their role of playing online games, this was the main reason for the scientists to take this decision.. All the scientists were shocked and were stumped for the answer provided by the gamers.
Basically the scientists were in a search of finding the structure of protein-cutting enzyme produced by a retrovirus similar to HIV.They have been used standard computational methods to solve that particular problem,but they dint succeed.
The Basic Story:
In 2008 the researchers in a team developed Foldit (a game for protein folding), i.e, they have created a 3-D protein structure by folding molecules and by rotating amino acids..Finally they acquired points for structure stability.
At last they have handed over this to the gamers, who just took 3 weeks to solve this risky puzzle. The scientists refined it and finally completed the discovery of the complete structure.
Finally all the scientists came to a conclusion that the human brain is more powerful and logical than the computers are...The results appeared in many of the journals...
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